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Support the Blue Mountain School

KW: I have posted here previously when the Blue Mountain School – a wonderful, democratic, alternative school in Oregon – felt like it might be shut down. The school has had another wave of fearfulness that they might not be supported by their school district, and/or lose support or funding from the state.

They were asking for friendly words or letters of support. If you are interested in helping, please contact Therese at utnvisual at gmail dot com. Or, if you know anyone in Oregon, maybe you could share some good words about the school. The web-site for Blue Mountain School is here.

Below is the letter I submitted to members of the South Lane School Board. The school board will be taking a vote to renew the school or not on July 7th.

To: Board Members of the South Lane School District


Greetings. I have written to some of you before.

I am a peace and justice activist in Long Island New York. I care about children and education, and I am part of a larger community that supports alternate schools such as Blue Mountain School. I understand the ultimate value to our society, to have small, philosophy supported schools, with the central aim of helping students “develop into well-adjusted, self-motivated adults who are equipped to participate as citizens of a democratic society”, as Blue Mountain School strives to do.

I realize that it is difficult to recognize a prophet in one’s own land. Though, I would like you to consider the value and importance of this school to others. The school serves as a beacon of light to people around the country who witness what families can do when they come together with an idealistic vision for democratic learning and the empowerment of children as learners.

I think it is important for the school district and the state to do its small part (including staying out of the way when necessary) to allow this productive learning community to flourish.

I heard that there is another meeting that could determine the future of this wonderful school. I urge you to vote YES to renewal on July 7th.

Blue Mountain School has a lot to offer the community. Even their web-site is a place of beauty, wisdom and enlightenment.

Another quotation from the web-site states:

“Blue Mountain School is a place where children are given freedom and encouraged to take responsibility for their own education – and they do. They play, learn, and grow on their own, in small groups, as well as in democratically structured group meetings. Every child of every age has a vote and understands his/her place in this family-like, and yes, fun environment.”

I have worked as an education advocate for public schools in Long Island. And, I value all efforts to make education better for every child in every kind of school setting. I also value every effort a parent makes to create a good education for their child. And, I see how much effort and love the parents at Blue Mountain School have given to their children, their school, and our world by creating this unique, learning community.

Please support the parents and children of Blue Mountain School. Please vote YES for renewal.

Kimberly Wilder
Long Island, New York

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