See action alert link at “keep reading/more.” A friend of mine who is an education advocate sent me this. Then, I saw the story in my local daily paper. Please consider sending a message to Michael Savage (and the right wing.)
From Newsday:
<<Children’s advocates are demanding that conservative radio talk show host Michael Savage lose his job after calling autistic kids “brats” on his nationally syndicated radio show.>>
<<<Members of the National Autism Group will also protest today in front of the Manhattan studios of WOR710, which airs “The Savage Nation,” calling for a national boycott of Savage’s radio show, which originates in San Francisco.>>>>>
<<<Savage made the remarks last week during a broadcast of his radio show…The host said autism is the “illness du jour” and children do not have a father around to tell them to stop acting like a “putz.”
“You know what autism is? I’ll tell you what autism is,” according to a copy of the broadcast captured on “In 99 percent of the cases, it’s a brat who hasn’t been told to cut the act out. That’s what autism is.”>>>
— On Mon, 7/21/08, New York State Advocacy Central for Autism <> wrote:
From: New York State Advocacy Central for Autism <>
Subject: Mike Savage – Please send your memo TODAY
To: “Catherine” <cathy
Date: Monday, July 21, 2008, 9:19 AM
Mike Savage probably thinks the shock value of what he said will
enhance his place in the lore of conservative talk radio. He probably
figures he will make more money as a result of his comments. We should
not let him become even more wealthy by stepping on the hearts of our
disabled children.
We can hit him, his advertisers and investors in the pocketbook, the
only place he seems to understand or care about.
Please use our website:
and send the link to family and friends. You will have a great impact
at disciplining or removing this guy from the airwaves. The email we
set up will go to his superiors, the investors who run the stations he
is on, and our many important politicians. Just go to the site, send
the memo, and please tell your friends.
Thank you,
Filed under: Action Alert!, Education, Our Favorite Radio Stations Tagged: | advocates, autism, brats, Michael Savage
[…] Radio Host Michael Savage disses children with autismMembers of the National Autism Group will also protest today in front of the Manhattan studios of WOR710, which airs “The Savage Nation,” calling for a national boycott of Savage’s radio show, which originates in San Francisco.>>>>> … […]
All I have to say for this idiot is that he has no clue what he is talking about and should be fired for his comments. Perhaps he should visit my home for a day and see exactly what our lives are like. I can take you to the local mall and show you some brats that are not told “no.” Oh, and by the way, my son has a father. We have been married 20 years. Perhaps you should shut your mouth and only speak the facts. Wait a minute, you don’t know any. If this man is not fired for this, there is something seriously wrong. What an idiot.