Story one is all about Green Party Presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney and Green Party Vice Presidential candidate Rosa Clemente and their historic run. Has great quotes from Rosa Clemente.
Two women top Green Party presidential ticket
By Ashahed M. Muhammad
Assistant Editor
Updated Aug 6, 2008
Story two is more non-partisan. It is about the history of Hip-Hop, which as I learned from a Rosa Clemente’s speech in Chicago, began in the South Bronx. This story tells more about the history of Hip-Hop and current non-profit and social activism projects that Hip-Hop artists and leaders are doing. IT mentions, among others: Immortal Technique, Mos Def, Chuck D and KRS-One.
Hip Hop: The voice of youth and social activism
By Ashahed M. Muhammad
Assistant Editor
Updated Aug 6, 2008, 10:03 pm
Filed under: activism, cynthia mckinney, Green Party Websites, Green Presidential Campaign 2008, Political Websites, presidential race, progressive politics, Recommended Music, Rosa Clemente, third party, US Politics Tagged: | Chuck D, hip-hop, Immortal Technique, KRS-One, Mos Def, Rosa Clemente, third parties
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