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(excerpt from) Ohio.com:
Akron woman’s foreclosure gets U.S. response
Kucinich takes plight of owner who shot herself to Congress; Fannie Mae [finally!] forgives mortgage
BY Phil Trexler, Betty Lin-Fisher and Stephanie Warsmith. Beacon Journal staff writers

Published on Saturday, Oct 04, 2008

The shots that 90-year-old Addie Polk fired into her chest as she was about to be evicted from her foreclosed Akron home were heard in Washington, D.C.

On Friday, as Congress was preparing a bailout of Wall Street, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Cleveland, took the House floor and decried Polk’s plight.

By midafternoon, the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) announced it would dismiss its foreclosure action against Polk, forgive her mortgage and allow her to return to the home where she’s lived since 1970.

In the meantime, Polk remains in Akron General Medical Center.

She is expected to recover from the chest wounds she suffered Wednesday when she apparently shot herself as Summit County sheriff’s deputies came with foreclosure eviction papers…

Brian Faith, a Fannie Mae spokesman, said the case came to the company’s attention after publicity about Polk’s apparent suicide attempt and Kucinich’s statements about the case in Washington…

[Representative Dennis] Kucinich said he read about what happened to Polk in the Akron Beacon Journal and rushed onto the House floor to relay the story to his colleagues.

He said he is frustrated that the country’s $700 billion financial bailout plan doesn’t provide help to people like Polk…

”She is the most pleasant individual that I’ve ever met. . . . She is very proud, very independent and pretty much a loner. She has never complained about anything,” Dodson [her pastor] said. ”If we had known, if I had known, this would never had occurred. We would have rescued her.”

Dodson said that in his more than four years as pastor, the church has helped at least two other members stop foreclosures.

Akron City Council President Marco Sommerville said he intends to work with county officials to better help those facing foreclosure.

He said foreclosures are rampant in Akron. On the east side, he said 99 foreclosures were filed in one recent month.

One concept he is proposing would be written notification of available services to everyone who is served with foreclosure papers.

”The bottom line is there are a lot of other people out there that need help too,” he said. ”And we have to find a way to help people and make sure they are not driven to taking drastic measures to get attention to their serious problem.”

– –

Phil Trexler can be reached at 330-996-3717 or ptrexler at thebeaconjournal dot com
Staff writers Carl Chancellor and Colette Jenkins contributed to this report.

2 Responses

  1. Please do not allow the DEA, FAA, US State Dept and US Embassy in Cassablanca to kill an innocent 67 year old of ill health man. Go to SAVEJAMESWILLSON.COM to see James’s story. Contact Marilyn Willson to find out and get documents to prove how the DEA used James as a mule to cover up there DRUG ACTIVITIES AND HOW FAA HAS ASSITED WITH ALLOWING DOCUMENTS TO BE FALSIFIED. ALSO SEE HOW THE US STATE DEPT AND US EMBASSY IN CASSABLANCA ARE ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN. Even Morocco has stated they have Violated James Willson’s Consitutional and Legal Rigths beside discriminating against him and torturing him because the US does nothing. Please James doesn’t have long to live. Help him home to his wife of 46 years and his children, grandchildren and family and friends Contact Marilyn Willson at 847-436-6707 or willsonmarilyn@yahoo.com

  2. Mexico needs the help of the United States Military in controlling the real terrorizom of the miny wars that is going on in almost every city everyday.

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