from Feminism ain’t about Equality
Her reasons:
Clearly, McKinney will not be elected President. That is not why I am voting for her. Voting for a third party candidate is a political tactic to pressure the two major parties (dems and reps) into addressing issues that remain at the periphery of mainstream public debate. This tactic has historical significance and effectiveness: For instance, third party interests swayed the platform of William J. Bryan (D) in 1896. Bryan changed his platform in order to steal votes from the populist movement (a third party movement). Another example: Charles Evans (R) in 1916, changed the republican platform in order to steal votes away from the Republican-turned-Progressive (third) Party candidate, Theodore Roosevelt. More recently, in 2000 Ralph Nader ran on the platform of breaking corporate control of government, and this directly influenced both Obama and McCain after this to talk about the need for campaign finance reform, shifting their stances to reflect that of the Independent Party.
McKinney’s record:
A former six-term Member of Congress from Georgia, Cynthia McKinney proved herself a courageous voice for the voiceless, unafraid to speak truth to power. Cynthia’s Power to the People Committee is working to put Cynthia on fifty-one ballot lines!
* Consistently opposed funding for bloated military and secret intelligence budgets;
* Introduced Articles of Impeachment for George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Condoleezza Rice;
* Introduced, championed, and passed in the U.S. House the Arms Trade Code of Conduct, prohibiting the sale of arms to known human rights abusers;
* Authored legislation to end the use of depleted uranium weapons;
* Passed legislation to extend health benefits for Vietnam War veterans still suffering the health effects from exposure to the defoliant Agent Orange;
* Challenged Pentagon Secretary Rumsfeld and Chairman Myers of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the $2.3 trillion missing Pentagon money and on U.S.-sponsored war games taking place on September 11, 2001;
* Currently serves on (a) International Tribunal on Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, (b) Brussels Tribunal on Iraq, (c) is participating in War Crimes prosecutions in Spain, and (d) is working with the Malaysian Peace Organization to criminalize war;
* Introduced legislation to eliminate federal subsidies for corporations taking jobs overseas.
Cynthia was never afraid to introduce legislation that showed her moral compass and where she felt our country ought to be. In that regard, after the tragedy of September 11th, 2001, Cynthia introduced legislation that would allow the survivors of the tragedy’s victims to sue those responsible for the attacks as well as participate in the Victims Compensation Fund. She introduced legislation to establish a national living wage and she also introduced legislation to repeal the Military Tribunals Act. Her signature environmental piece of legislation was the National Forest Protection and Restoration Act which would have provided much-needed jobs and revenues for the restoration and protection of America’s national forests. McKinney successfully authorized the USDA disparity study that demonstrated USDA discrimination against minority farmers. McKinney, like so many Americans, has long held Green values. McKinney is now proudly a Green.
The above info was taken directly from: (
For a more detailed look at McKinney and her accomplishments, go to:
Filed under: 3rd party, activism, cynthia mckinney, election, Election 2008, elections, grassroots democracy, Green Party Websites, Green Presidential Campaign 2008, Political Websites, third party, US Politics
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