Full article is here.
There is so much work to be done in regards to Proposition 8, which passed in California, and which would put a ban on same-sex marriage into the California Constitution. I have been concerned about hearing the regular media do some scape-goating about African-Americans being among those who voted against it, and tying it to the Obama win. I had started to believe that was a valid concern.
I was glad to read an article by a woman who is African-American and lesbian. Yes, she says, a big percentage of African-American voters voted for the ban, and in her article, she asks for reflection on that issue. Though, there is no way to blame the passage of Prop 8 on the black vote.
I was surprised to hear her give the facts about the participation of black voters in Prop 8. She explains the faulty thinking that African-Americans can be blamed for the passage of Prop 8 by stating:
Because of our small numbers – African Americans accounted for 9 percent of the yes on Prop. 8 vote, and 4 percent of the no on Prop. 8 vote – we did not determine the Prop. 8 outcome.
The full article, from the San Franscisco Chronicle, is at the jump:
The court will overturn Prop. 8
LaDoris H. Cordell
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Filed under: News
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