Received this from a Green in Pennsylvania, on a Green Party/anti-racism list-serve:
*Support Striking Stella D’Oro Workers!*
Come to the picket line on
Wednesday December 10 from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Boycott Stella D’Oro Products!
The 135 workers of Stella D”Oro biscuit company have been on strike since August 13. They are involved in a bitter fight for their jobs and union. The company wants to destroy their union and their spirit!
The workers are determined to win but they need our solidarity as the cold weather moves in and four months without a solid income begins to hurt everyone.
Most are Latino and the majority women. They are represented by Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union Local 50.
The company is trying to:
· Slash wages by as much as 25%
· Impose crushing premiums on health insurance
· Eliminate holidays, vacation and sick pay
· Eliminate extra pay for working Saturdays
No union busting in New York City!
Come to the picket line
*Wednesday December 10th 3:00 PM until 6:00 PM*
Place: 237th Street and Broadway
Take the #1 train to 238th Street and Broadway
Filed under: green, Green Party Websites, social & economic justice, US Politics Tagged: | bakery, Labor, Stella D'Oro, strike, union
WOW !!!1 I didn’t know that you people are striking…didn’t see anything on the news. I live in Ma and when I called the company today to find where in Ma I could purchase one of their cookies the operator informed me of the strike. I hope your strike is a successful one. I was a member of the Boilermakers for about 30 years and luckily we never went on the picket line…came extremely close a few times though. It’s never a good time to be out on strike but the holidays are really the worst. Good luck to all of you. If I lived in the Bronx I would be out there with you.