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Bush/Maliki desperate: First Lady called in for anti-shoe propaganda

Update: On Thursday, March 12, 2009, journalist Muntadhar Al-Zeidi was sentence in Iraq to 3 years in prison.
KW: I was feeling the long silences. What could Bush possibly do about the fact that Muntadhar Al-Zaidi threw a shoe at him, and the whole world understood the hidden message: “George Bush, you and your kind are war criminals. You have thrown bombs. I am symbolically throwing my shoe in your direction, because you have murdered people in an unjust war.”

There is no answer to George Bush allowing Al-Zaidi to be hidden away in custody by the puppet Iraqi government. The world wants Al-Zaidi freed, but George Bush’s pride won’t allow it. (And, George Bush’s realization that the anger awakened by the brave shoe-toss might feed into the call for prosecution of Bush and Cheney for war crimes.)

So, what to do…bring in the best-ever propaganda tool, the person who will be above reproach, the only person who could possibly elicit any sympathy from the American people: First Lady Laura Bush.

I feel bad for her. She has to do the dirtiest work, when her husband and his crew have completely failed. She has to pretend that throwing a shoe at a war criminal, while he was hocking his lies, was worse than bombing a country of innocent people.

Oh, well, here is the White House spin, via the lovely messenger of the First Lady. I do not accept her message, her perspective, or any implication that she said this without coaching, etc. I feel very sorry for her.


7 Responses

  1. The Bush shoe-throwing incident: A fitting end or an insult to America?:


    Make your voice heard!!

  2. I wonder if this ungrateful idiot would still be alive today if he had thrown a shoe at Saddam? He and his entire family would have been beheaded the same day.
    What a thankless people!!!

    • S.O.: I totally disagree with your analysis. First of all, Muntadhar Al-Zeidi is very smart, and a good person. He was actually a war correspondent, who let victims tell the story of violence done to them.

      In addition, I think it is bad logic to say that Saddam was worse, there for Al-Zeidi should be grateful for the treatment he received. Does that mean that every government official who tortures or oppresses less than Mussolini is okay? Because, in comparison, they are not as bad?

      Iraq does not deserve to be occupied.

      The people who speak up for the orphans and widows and those who died in Iraq do not deserve to be imprisoned.

      Kimberly Wilder

  3. Dear Kimberly,
    My point was, that under Saddam, Al-Zeidi had no freedom of speech or freedom of anything for that matter. He owes his newly founds freedoms to President Bush, regardless of what he thinks of him. I think that the journalist was just trying to gain noteriaty and celebrity. I noticed that he was not brave enough to throw a shoe at one of the Al-qaida members. They don’t care who they kill, as long as they can keep the violence going. They, are responsible for thousands of innocent deaths. Not President Bush.
    Two other things. Although those shoes might have missed President Bush,the insult was made and also, one of them did hit the American flag. By doing so he threw an insult to not only all the brave men & women who have served and died in Iraq, but to Americans everywhere.
    Also, the US is not occupying Iraq. The US is leaving. However, if they leave too early The Iraq people will know what real occupation is. Iran and a few other extreme interests would just love to set up shop in Iraq. I wonder how Ahmadinejad would react to a shoe winging by his head.
    My original remarks remain the same. What a thankless people. How sad.

    • I understand your point. And, I think it is yucky. People like us should be glad when the leaders are only bullies and warmongers, as long as they are not as bad as Saddam Hussein.

      Also, it is laughable to say that Iraqi’s owe the downfall of Saddam to George Bush. George Bush did not have the wisdom or power to accomplish anything. Things were done through him and around him. He was just the pretty face that they could get elected. I don’t think anyone who studied the situation would credit Bush with doing things. Perhaps, with allowing things to happen – such as torture and war. Allowing them because he was a poor leader, with no better ideas, and no real passion about protecting rights or the constitution or human decency.

      It is repulsive to call people under occupation “thankless.” Words cannot express my disdain for your position. It is a position of imperialism and arrogance. Your position creeps me out and makes me think you want me to be humiliated and less than free, as well.

      • Kimberly,
        Regardless of how you feel about President Bush, It was he who removed Saddam from power.
        with the blessing of the American people, and the backing of the US congress, being the commander in chief of the US military, he used his authority to remove Saddam and liberate the Iraqi people. Now the US is in the process of leaving Iraq. Again they are not being occupied. America is not an imperialistic country. If it were, our flag would fly over most of Europe, North Africa, malasia, most of the Pasific Islands, Japan, South Korea, and would have made Kuwait the 51st state back in 1990 when they needed to be rescued from Saddam.
        Kimberly, I have no desire to humiliate you or to have you feel uncomfortable in any way. This has simply been an exchange of ideas and opinions. However I do feel bad for you. You and I live in the same country. You are in Long Island and I am in Rhode Island, yet I live in a country that I love and am very proud of and would be willing serve (and have). You on the other hand live in a country that you seem to be ashamed of. One that you have nothing but contempt for. You might try getting your news and info from another source.
        Anyway, I see no further reason to continue this conversation. Take care & God Bless.
        Stephen Ornberg

        • I don’t think I said I did not love my country.

          I serve my country all the time. I support ballot access to support our democracy. I nurture art, music, poetry and community so that all of the states and regions of America can be wonderful, beautiful, strong and proud.

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