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Green Czar Van Jones resigns

KW: I really,  just don’t get why people like Van Jones resign when the right-wing slings mud. Big deal. Get a p.r. person to handle it for you. I also notice that Democratic leaders are easily shamed into leaving. Republicans will stay through anything. Democratic politicians are real whimps.

excerpt from Washington Post
White House Adviser Van Jones Resigns Amid Controversy Over Past Activism
By Garance Franke-Ruta and Anne E. Kornblut

White House environmental adviser Van Jones resigned Saturday after weeks of controversy stemming from his past activism.

“On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me,” Jones, special adviser for green jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, said in a statement announcing his resignation just after midnight Saturday. “They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide.”

He continued: “I have been inundated with calls — from across the political spectrum — urging me to ‘stay and fight.’ But I came here to fight for others, not for myself. I cannot in good conscience ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past. We need all hands on deck, fighting for the future.”

Jones issued two public apologies in recent days, one for signing a petition that questioned whether Bush administration officials “may indeed have deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen, perhaps as a pretext for war” and the other for using a crude term to describe Republicans in a speech he gave before joining the administration.

Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) called on Jones to resign Friday, saying in a statement, “His extremist views and coarse rhetoric have no place in this administration or the public debate.”…

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Friday that Jones “continues to work for the administration” — but he did not state that the adviser enjoys the full support of President Obama, instead referring questions to the environmental council where he worked.

Jones, a towering figure in the environmental movement, had worked for the White House Council on Environmental Quality since March. He was a civil-rights activist in California before turning his focus to environmental and energy issues, and he won wide praise before joining the Obama administration for articulating a broad vision of a green economy Democrats could embrace.

Related story at onthewilderside:

Green Party supports 9-11 search for truth and answers

6 Responses

  1. Your characterization of facts which somehow transform into mud distorts the truth. Therefore your credibility on the subject has circled the drain.

    • Kimberly writes: Okay, then. Thanks for the political poetry.

      In think it is slinging mud to attack people for petitions they wrote asking to reveal the truth about 9-11.

      Also, I think that the Republicans are the word that Van Jones called them. (But, heck, he said it a long time ago…does it really matter?)

      So, okay. Evidently, Ben, you and I disagree a lot.

      I was so glad that Obama had the courage to appoint an environmental and civil rights activist to a high post, I didn’t care if he had some past of being firm in his anti-right wing, anti-Bush views.

      And, I like circles.


  2. You left out anti-American.

    • We must never, ever forget to call activists anti-American. Thanks for the reminder.

      • So, in your world, a self avowed communist is not an anti-American?


        You are incapable of processing truth, aren’t you?

        • Dear Ben,


          I thought the idea that Communism was anti-American died with Joe McCarthy.

          You should listen to more Arlo Guthrie and Pete Seeger…

          You don’t get out much, do you???


          As Pete Seeger said…many decades ago…it is American to be able to hold your own beliefs (and not have to share them with others if you don’t want to.)

          The only belief I find repugnant is to use violence, and, unfortunately, there are plenty of folks who believe in violence who are Republicans, Democrats, Communists, right-wingers, left-wingers, etc.

          But, even if someone believes in violence, I probably wouldn’t call them anti-American. Just wrong, and dangerous.

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