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Backwards compliment to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

KW writes: Egads! This is a new low for sexist, chauvinistic attitudes towards women candidates. Is this guy for real?

(excerpt from) Capitol Confidential/Time Union Blog
Gillibrand challengers debate, one calls her ‘attractive’
Tuesday, August 24, 2010 at 9:24 PM
by Jimmy Vielkind

SCHENECTADY — Bashing Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand was the one issue the three Republicans gathered at Union College for a televised debate Tuesday evening agreed on, and they struggled, when asked, to find something nice to say about the woman they seek to replace.

“I think Kirsten Gillibrand is an attractive woman, I think she’s bright, and I think she’s probably a good mom herself,” said Bruce Blakeman, a former Nassau County legislator…

KW continues…You know, Blakeman’s comments are really beyond the pale. I mean, in the political context they are in, the comments are very condescending, and clearly a ploy to assign all the stereotypical attributes of a woman to this candidate, who should be allowed to be her own person, and worthy whether or not she is attractive. Though, if you think about it, it is creepy what he said. The only place a man should be talking about a woman’s looks is maybe a single guy talking to a single woman at a bar. You wouldn’t want this guy Blakeman telling people in the office a woman is attractive, or even praising a woman’s looks from the podium at a civic meeting or something. It is just real creepy and wrong.

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