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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, with photos, fun, and good wishes for the future. eBook, Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? (Only $.99 !) In the eBook, the Occupy movement is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present.  Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, using their internet platforms to communicate the changes being created by the American Autumn.

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Campaign against Illegals

logo_bca_global_top.gifTens of thousands of Americans are victims of crime. And countless others are dead or injured — all because of the actions of corrupt gun dealers….

Corrupt gun dealers like Trader Sports of San Leandro, California. Trader Sports has had thousands of its guns linked to crime — yet has remained in business for nearly 40 years despite committing "thousands of violations" of federal law. Thankfully after decades of attempts to revoke its license, Trader Sports is slated to lose its federal license today, June 1, 2006.

Just what is going on here? Why did it take so long to shut Trader Sports down?

Well, to nobody's surprise, over the years the NRA has worked to weaken federal laws and hampered the ability of law enforcement to shut down these rogue dealers.

Now the NRA wants to take it a step further.

The NRA is leading the effort to protect corrupt dealers who supply the illegal gun market and rake in profits for the dealers and manufacturers. Profits gained at the cost of great misery to our citizens.

Gun industry profits help to buy morally corrupt politicians who will do the gun lobby's bidding. And the cycle goes on and on. It is up to us to break the cycle of the gun industry profiting from the death and misery of our fellow citizens.

That is why we have launched a major effort — the Campaign Against Illegal Guns — to strike at the heart of illegal guns and break that cycle of death. Click here to give to the Campaign Against Illegal Guns.

Your support will help us fight two dangerous NRA-backed bills that protect corrupt gun dealers: H.R. 5005 and H.R. 5092. They are ill-conceived bills that would further weaken the efforts of law enforcement to stop illegal guns at their source. If these bills pass, it will make it even more difficult to identify rogue dealers like Trader Sports and shut them down.

Recently, New York City's Mayor Bloomberg went to Washington to testify against H.R. 5005. The Mayor urged Congress to reject "a bill that coddles criminals and endangers police officers and citizens not only in New York City but across this country."

Don't let the NRA push these dangerous bills through — the gun lobby is trying to get them through the House Judiciary Committee in the next few weeks, when Congress returns from recess. We need your help now!

Here's what you can do today:

1. Make a Donation.
Support our Campaign Against Illegal Guns and help us stop the NRA's effort to weaken law enforcement. Click here to contribute now.

2. Email Your U.S. Representative.
Tell him or her: "Oppose H.R. 5005 and 5092. Don't protect corrupt gun dealers by weakening law enforcement." Click here to send Congress an email.

3. Spread the Word.
Use our easy form to forward this email to everyone in your address book. Congress needs to hear from those of us who support sensible gun laws. Click here to forward this email to friends.

Today, one of the worst gun dealers in America is losing its license. Donate now and help us clean up the rest.

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