Hi, all-
A torrent of burbling notes, louder than loud! coming from a leaf? Green warbler.
On that note, here is this week's listing:
Wednesday at 8:30PM:
Wes Houston Presents:
on Woodbury Cablevision Channel 20 – Society Boys
and Queens Channel 34 – Gail Storm
Wednesday, June 7th at 8PM:
Acoustic Long Island at Cool Beanz, St. James
556 North Country Rd. (Rte 25A) 1/4 mile east of Lake Ave. opposite Hitherbrook Nursery.
No cover, no minimum, open mic beforehand. 631 862-4111 They also podcast on http://lipodcast.com/acousticcafe/
Thursday, May 25th at 7PM:
The ELECTRIX will visit WUSB and perform live on air
on Bill Frey's Local Live show
\WUSB's Local Live Show Alternating Thursday nights 7-8 pm
Listen at 90.1 FM or www.wusb.fm
Friday, June 9th at 7PM:
at East Meadow Town Square. Free.
Saturday, June 10th from noon to 4PM:
BUDDY MERRIAM and Backroads
at Belmont Stakes, Belmont Racetrack, Elmont. www.backroadsbluegrass.com
also on Saturday from noon to 4PM:
at the Queens Zoo
'Bison Bonanza' – salute to the wildlife of the American West
Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens. 718 271-1500 or www.marylamont.com
Sunday, June 11th at 3:15PM:
BUDDY MERRIAM and Backroads
Sea Fair River Front Music Fest, Division St. & West Ave, Patchogue, NY
Sunday, June 11th at 2PM:
at Bayard Cutting Arboretum, Great River.
Probably one of the most beautiful places anywhere for a concert, and Miller's Crossing is just terrific!
Free concert /$6 per carload to park. 631 224-5420 or www.islipartscouncil.org
And when the music is done on the South Shore, head up north to
Sunday, June 11th at 6PM:
at University Cafe
Who needs to go to Cropredy when you can see Fairport right here? And it's been some time since they were here; I saw them at Stony Brook in the early '70s, and I don't think they've been here since. And how cool to see them in the UCafe! The eminent Charlie Backfish (who is also a major Fairport fan) hosts.
Tickets are $35/ or $30/ students for advance paid reservations. $40 at the door. Call 631 632-6027 or gpalaia@notes.cc.sunysb.edu for info and reservations. www.universitycafe.org
Save the date:
Friday, June 16th from 7:30 to 9PM- Open Mic Night at Huntington Public Library, 338 Main St., Huntington Village. All open mikers must sign up by June 14th by calling (631) 427-5165 ext. 222. They will provide coffee and snacks; all are welcome.
Sun June 18@2PM- PAT WICTOR at Bayard Cutting Arboretum. Free concert /$6 per carload to park. 631 224-5420 or www.islipartscouncil.org
Sat June 24@7PM- Gardeners and 'Gators/ zydeco band T'bazco Road benefit concert for Sophia Garden Learning Center and the New Orleans Musicians Clinic. At Sophia garden. $25. Info: 516 842-6000 x 307
Sun June 25@2PM- BENNETT HARRIS TRIO at Bayard Cutting Arboretum, Great River. Free concert /$6 per carload to park. 631 224-5420 or www.islipartscouncil.org
Sun June 25@8PM- CAROLINE DOCTOROW /CD release party, Stephen Talkhouse. 631 267-3117
Tickets on sale now for:
Sat June 17@8PM- JOHN ABERCROMBIE and STEVE SALERNO /jazz guitarists at the Second Avenue Firehouse, Second Avenue between Union and Main St., Bay Shore. $15. www.secondavenuefirehouse.com
Stay Tuned,
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