This high visibility button is good for identifying yourself a Green Party supporter whether at march or on television. The words “Green Party” are dark green in large type for easy visibility. A light green peace symbol serves as background with the phrase “America’s Peace Party” embedded on it. Click here to see other Green Party t-shirts, buttons and bumper stickers.
The Green Party is America’s Peace Party. The Green Party has continually opposed entry into the Iraq war and has consistently called for the immediate return of our troops, in stark contrast to the Democratic and Republican parties. The Green Party has always been part of the national peace movement. GPNYS ran War Resisters League Co-Secretary David McReynolds for US Senate. UFPJ Steering Committee member George Martin is an active Green and former Wisconsin Green Party Co-Chair. The South Carolina Green Party ran Not in Our Name Steering Committee member Efia Nwangaza for US Senate. It’s time for the rank and file of America’s Peace Movement to come home to America’s Peace Party. Today we march, tomorrow we vote Green Party.
Product Information
- 2.25 inch diameter
- Metal shell
- Mylar/UV protecting cover
- Pinned metal back
- 10 pack
- Also available as a discounted 100 pack
One last thought from Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan:
We will never have a viable third party, though, as long as we vote out of fear and not out of integrity. Instead of voting for the “lesser of two evils” we should be voting for a candidate that reflects our “beatitudes” and not the war machine’s.
Filed under: activism, Anti-War, election, elections, grassroots democracy, Green Party Websites, international politics, media, Peace, peace sign, Political Websites, reform, US Politics, video Tagged: | book of the month, Elliot Spitzer, UFPJ, Working Families Party