Tell Texas Utility Company: Don’t Barbeque Our Planet!
Texas utility giant TXU has announced plans to build eleven massive new power plants that will use outdated, pulverized-coal-burning technology. Texas Governor Rick Perry — who’s taken hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions from utility companies in recent years — has now fast-tracked the permitting process for these plants and limited public input.
If built, these plants will lock in 78 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year — the equivalent of 10 million Cadillac Escalade SUVs — for decades to come. Texas‘ energy needs can easily and quickly be met through conservation and energy efficiency measures that won’t trash our climate.
Tell TXU C.E.O. John Wilder and Texas Governor Rick Perry not to barbeque our planet.
Invest in Energy Efficiency, Not Earth-Roasting Coal-Burning Power Plants
A Texas utility company is planning 11 new coal-burning power plants that will use outdated technology and make global warming a lot worse. Tell TXU to cancel these plans and invest in energy efficiency projects instead.
Go Carbon Neutral
Through, you can affordably neutralize your personal carbon emissions…and if you go ‘zerocarbon,’ Working Assets will offset an additional five tons, free.
Tell Verizon and AT&T: Come Clean on Privacy Rights
These companies still don’t deny that they handed customer information over to the National Security Agency. Tell them to support shareholders’ resolutions calling for a full privacy protection report.
Filed under: Action Alert!, activism, Ecology, grassroots democracy, Our Favorite Radio Stations Tagged: | book of the month
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