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Make Love, Stop War


Dear Green Party Member,

Today, as we shower our beloveds with hearts and flowers and boxes of chocolate, let’s remember to throw our hearts open even wider. Let’s send our love to the people of Iraq, whose lives have been shattered by our government’s invasion, and show our love for the people of Iran by doing something today to stop yet another disastrous war.

The mainstream media is already jumping on the bandwagon about the Iranian threat. We hoped they would have learned their lesson after spreading falsehoods about WMDs in Iraq. But once again journalists such as New York Times’ Michael R. Gordon, Judith Miller’s sidekick in the WMD and phony aluminum tubes reporting, are quoting anonymous sources as proof that Iran is providing Iraqi militias with powerful explosives to attack US troops.

In fact, the evidence against Iran is insubstantial and full of exaggeration. Even General Pace, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he hasn’t seen any intelligence that supports the claim. We need to tell the press that now is the time to ask serious questions instead of blindly supporting the administration’s headlong rush into another tragic and unnecessary war. As you send out your Valentines today, be sure to also contact media outlets and tell them we demand a critical, vigilant press. For more analysis of the press and Iran, click here.

To Contact Your Media

On this day of love, let’s work to stop war. What could be a more loving act?

You are our Valentine every day of the year,
Dana, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jodie, Liz, Medea, Nancy, Patricia, Rae, Samantha, and Sonia

P.S. Click here to see Iran through the eyes of CODEPINK peace delegates to Iran in 2005, and watch a moving slide show of daily life in Iran — a beautiful reminder of our shared humanity. Be sure to circulate it widely–we need to remind people that the Iranian people are not our enemy.

One Response

  1. Jodie Marsh

    I Googled for something completely different, but found your page…and have to say thanks. nice read.

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