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The Irregular Seasonal Howl 6/07

Greetings, All and Sundry-

Time for some updates on the Coyote front. In this edition of the Irregular Seasonal Howl.

* * * GIG ALERT! * * *

Saturday, June 30th, at Port Jazz in Port Jefferson, from 8:00 til 10:30, I’ll be handling lead guitar chores with Johnny Volume. Johnny Volume is a four-piece blues/r’n’b outfit fronted by Mitchell Ames. Mitchell takes a refreshing twist on the usual barroom soundtrack by focusing on what might be called “B-side blues” – slightly obscure tunes by well-known artists. This ought to be a rockin’ good time, and dig the civilized hours!

For more info:


I’ve posted a new piece of music at my website. It’s a cute little instrumental called “Keeyater.” After listening to it, all you music geeks can enter into a contest, which goes like this:
1) The improvised section in the middle follows a form made famous by Miles Davis. Can you name the tune? 2) What is the intervallic relation between the tonalities of the head and the improvised section? Anyone who can answer BOTH of these questions will receive a free copy of my book, “Play Guitar By Ear.” Ultra bonus question: Can anyone name ANY OTHER PIECE OF MUSIC that follows the same form as that of the answer to Question #1? If you can turn me on to ANY OTHER PIECE OF MUSIC with this form, I’ll send you a free copy of “The Coyote Loops! Dress Rehearsal, April 2005” AND “Looper’s Delight Compilation Vol. 3!” A bargain at half the price. Send all answers to me at my e-mail address: coyotelk@optonline.net. This contest good until June 30, 2007. 

To go directly to the audio file of “Keeyater,” click on this link:


Sadly, Guitar One magazine has shut down its printing presses. I’m sure we’ll all miss G1’s educational approach to guitar and gear, and I will especially miss my job as Associate Editor. Need a writer? Need a guitarist? I’m cheap and cheerful. For the moment.


Did you ever notice that you could rearrange S-T-A-I-R-W-A-Y-T-O-H-E-A-V-E-N and get “A neat way to shiver?” Or ” Ha! A variety o’ newts!” Or “Hi Sven. Rotate away!”  Or “Thy raven ate Iowa?” If these – and HUNDREDS more – tickle your wordplay gland, click on www.thecoyote.org/obsesseroo.cfm . (Parental advisory: there are a few colorful, sailor-like words and phrases scattered about. If the “S” word or references to certain body parts make you squeamish, this may not be your cup of tea.)

* * * BASSIST WANTED * * *

My return to that murky pool called “public performance” continues. As with “Johnny Volume,” I am always available as a sub, or even a somewhat full-time position, but I am also coming to the conclusion that the best band I could be in would be something of my own making. I have a few good musicians lined up fror my ensemble of choice, but I am still seeking a bass player. My dream date bottom dweller would posess the following:
     * Sufficient experience in a wide range of styles. You’d better be at least as good as I am on the bass.
     * Good equipment for the typical bar or private party.
     * A good voice, at the least for background vocals. Lead vocal skills are a plus.
     * Some musical literacy. Enthusiam and dedication can compensate for a lack of formal knowledge, but a bassist who cannot transpose “Eight Days A Week” from D to C, or “Theme For an Imaginary Western” from A to G after, say, a week, would be the wrong person.
     * A love of what I like to call “leaping off the cliff.” This is the ability to enter into and out of the severe nonlinear jam. This requires wings, or at least a parachute, and no fear of heights. Listen to “Keeyater” or “Postmortal Postman” www.thecoyote.org/listen.cfm for a taste of what I would wish for. I’m playing bass on these.

If this sounds like you, shoot me an e-mail back. We’ll talk.


“The volume knob on your telepathy is your morality.”
– Stephen Gaskin, The Farm

Best wishes,
Douglas Baldwin

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