- Shop at locally owned stores and dine at locally owned restaurants, especially those in your community or nearby communities. Not only does that promote a vibrant downtown economy, but you’ll use less gas (an economic and environmental benefit) and secure the jobs of area residents
- Buy locally grown produce and wine. (Less trucking from far-away places equals less pollution, and buying local contributes to the local economy and local job growth).
- Join a community supported agriculture group.
- Check into socially responsible investing (one good source: www.socialinvest.org).
- Play an active role in the life of your town—and ensure that all members of your community are encouraged to participate in community activities and civic groups.
- Actively seek out opinions from people who have different experiences or are from different socio-economic or cultural groups.
- Teach English as a second language.
- Purchase a home in a community that is diverse.
Filed under: buy local, local, Long Island Music, sustainability, sustainable
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