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Trump Jones Beach hearing 2/4/08 cancelled

Fellow Greens,
The hearing scheduled for this Monday, Feb. 4th in Mineola has been canceled as being moot. The building permit meeting originally scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 5th to decide on Trump’s basement in the floodplain will not take place upstate in Westchester, but rather on Long Island. The date and time of this key hearing are also being changed. Apparently all the pressure applied to state officials was successful. That is a real victory for us, as Long Islanders will better be able to weigh in on this whole over-sized project.
Stay tuned–as soon as I know the date, time and exact location (probably Hauppauge) of the building permit meeting I will let you know. Thanks for all your help on this important issue. All the best!
Jim Brown
  Fellow Greens,
If you can attend a court hearing this Monday, February 4th, 9:30AM in Mineola, Pat Friedman, a local community activist, needs your help. She is working with Greens and others to get an important building permit meeting on the Trump Jones Beach restaurant changed from Westchester to Long Island, where we can then really bring out the people in opposition to the restaurant. If you can help on Monday to represent Greens at the hearing, please give Pat a call–her cell phone # is 516-582-5838. Let’s keep Trump off Jones Beach! Thanks!
Jim Brown

One Response

  1. When I first heard this, I thought for sure it was a gag. When I realized it wasn’t a joke, I did in fact have a gag reflex.

    Trump’s first plan was bad enough; to raise the restaurant higher, over 43 feet high, makes it more of an eyesore, a blinking electronic rhinestone zoot-suit in the cathedral pew.

    This isn’t over, but even if we have to buy back the lease, I hope the new Paterson Administration will do whatever it takes to stop this atrocity.

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