From Kimberly: The Wilderside and PeaceSmiths are two very separate entities. Though, I am currently working on both. And, I really, really want to share the fun things I have been doing at the PeaceSmiths, Inc. web-site. Since Susan Blake passed away in October, I have been sifting through the archives with teams of PeaceSmiths volunteers. This morning, I was able to scan in and post some of the really cool artwork and information we found. Beautiful stuff! Interesting stuff! Propaganda on Iran! Folk Dance art! Undoing Racism workshops from 1988! And, more! See who or what you can find in the PeaceSmiths
Filed under: Anti-War, Art, international politics, Long Island Politics, More Events Calendars, Nonprofit Orgs, Peace, progressive politics, social & economic justice Tagged: | Iran, racism, Susan Blake
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