Suffolk Community College
Brentwood Campus
Sagtikos Building, Auditorium
Sept. 14th at 12 noon
As part of a multi-partisan
Voter Education and Registration Drive
for the Haitian Community
come hear Green Party representatives
take their turn to explain our party
Evergreen Chou,
GPNYS Green Party State Committee Member from NYC
Kimberly Wilder,
GP-US Diversity Committee Co-Chair
Sponsored by: Haitian American United for Change
Filed under: election, Election 2008, elections, Green Party Websites, Long Island Politics, More Events Calendars Tagged: | Evergreen Chou, Haitian, Suffolk Community, Voter registration
[…] out false information about not being able to enroll in the Green Party at the otherwise wonderful Haitian Voters’ Forum, Kimberly had come up with the idea to create a flyer explaining all your registration choices. […]