Green Party Presidential Candidates Cynthia McKinney is not on the ballot in Pennsylvania. (As some may recall, PA has onerous ballot access laws, and has made it incredibly difficult for independent and third party candidates, to the tune of indicted major party operatives.)
Yet, Cynthia McKinney is a write-in in Pennsylvania. And, some Green Party members have been enthusiastically promoting her write-in candidacy. Well, the attention has worked, and in a mock election for school students, Cynthia received 1.6% of the vote.
Story about the Morning Call mock election for Pennsylvania students is: here.
Filed under: 3rd party, cynthia mckinney, election, Election 2008, Election Night 2008, elections, green, Green Party Websites, Green Presidential Campaign 2008, Political Websites, president, presidential, presidential race, progressive politics, third party, US Politics Tagged: | cynthia mckinney, Mock election, pennsylvania
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