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Occupy Wall Street finally releases their one demand

Demands Update 10/2/2011: Directly below, is the first list of demands, as presented on September 22, 2011 by Occupation Wall Street. There is a new document. The link for a new document, agreed to on September 29, 2011 and published on September 30, 2011 is available at the NYC General Assembly website HERE, and in full text in the middle of this post.

KW writes: My goodness. In a wise, creative, and mischievous response to the nasty rhetoric of the press, the Occupy Wall Street folks have answered propaganda with poetry. What a graceful maneuver in the struggle for social change. Beautiful and heartwarming!

For a discussion on the media’s quest for one, clear demand from the Wall Street protesters, the group created the following consensus document:

A Message From Occupied Wall Street (Day Five)
Published 2011-09-22 07:51:42 UTC by OccupyWallSt
at OccupyWallStreet.org

This is the fifth communiqué from the 99 percent. We are occupying Wall Street.

On September 21st, 2011, Troy Davis, an innocent man, was murdered by the state of Georgia. Troy Davis was one of the 99 percent.

Ending capital punishment is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, four of our members were arrested on baseless charges.

Ending police intimidation is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, the richest 400 Americans owned more than half of the country’s population.

Ending wealth inequality is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, we determined that Yahoo lied about occupywallst.org being in spam filters.

Ending corporate censorship is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, roughly eighty percent of Americans thought the country was on the wrong track.

Ending the modern gilded age is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, roughly 15% of Americans approved of the job Congress was doing.

Ending political corruption is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, roughly one sixth of Americans did not have work.

Ending joblessness is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, roughly one sixth of America lived in poverty.

Ending poverty is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, roughly fifty million Americans were without health insurance.

Ending health-profiteering is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, America had military bases in around one hundred and thirty out of one hundred and sixty-five countries.

Ending American imperialism is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, America was at war with the world.

Ending war is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, we stood in solidarity with Madrid, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Madison, Toronto, London, Athens, Sydney, Stuttgart, Tokyo, Milan, Amsterdam, Algiers, Tel Aviv, Portland and Chicago. Soon we will stand with Phoenix, Montreal, Cleveland and Atlanta. We’re still here. We are growing. We intend to stay until we see movements toward real change in our country and the world.

You have fought all the wars. You have worked for all the bosses. You have wandered over all the countries. Have you harvested the fruits of your labors, the price of your victories? Does the past comfort you? Does the present smile on you? Does the future promise you anything? Have you found a piece of land where you can live like a human being and die like a human being? On these questions, on this argument, and on this theme, the struggle for existence, the people will speak. Join us.

We speak as one. All of our decisions, from our choice to march on Wall Street to our decision to continue occupying Liberty Square, were decided through a consensus based process by the group, for the group.




NYC General Assembly
The Official Website of the GA at #OccupyWallStreet

Declaration of the Occupation of New York City

Posted on September 30, 2011 by NYCGA
This document was accepted by the NYC General Assembly on september 29, 2011

As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that we are your allies.

As one people, united, we acknowledge the reality: that the future of the human race requires the cooperation of its members; that our system must protect our rights, and upon corruption of that system, it is up to the individuals to protect their own rights, and those of their neighbors; that a democratic government derives its just power from the people, but corporations do not seek consent to extract wealth from the people and the Earth; and that no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power. We come to you at a time when corporations, which place profit over people, self-interest over justice, and oppression over equality, run our governments. We have peaceably assembled here, as is our right, to let these facts be known.

They have taken our houses through an illegal foreclosure process, despite not having the original mortgage.
They have taken bailouts from taxpayers with impunity, and continue to give Executives exorbitant bonuses.
They have perpetuated inequality and discrimination in the workplace based on age, the color of one’s skin, sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.
They have poisoned the food supply through negligence, and undermined the farming system through monopolization.
They have profited off of the torture, confinement, and cruel treatment of countless animals, and actively hide these practices.
They have continuously sought to strip employees of the right to negotiate for better pay and safer working conditions.
They have held students hostage with tens of thousands of dollars of debt on education, which is itself a human right.
They have consistently outsourced labor and used that outsourcing as leverage to cut workers’ healthcare and pay.
They have influenced the courts to achieve the same rights as people, with none of the culpability or responsibility.
They have spent millions of dollars on legal teams that look for ways to get them out of contracts in regards to health insurance.
They have sold our privacy as a commodity.
They have used the military and police force to prevent freedom of the press. They have deliberately declined to recall faulty products endangering lives in pursuit of profit.
They determine economic policy, despite the catastrophic failures their policies have produced and continue to produce.
They have donated large sums of money to politicians, who are responsible for regulating them.
They continue to block alternate forms of energy to keep us dependent on oil.
They continue to block generic forms of medicine that could save people’s lives or provide relief in order to protect investments that have already turned a substantial profit.
They have purposely covered up oil spills, accidents, faulty bookkeeping, and inactive ingredients in pursuit of profit.
They purposefully keep people misinformed and fearful through their control of the media.
They have accepted private contracts to murder prisoners even when presented with serious doubts about their guilt.
They have perpetuated colonialism at home and abroad. They have participated in the torture and murder of innocent civilians overseas.
They continue to create weapons of mass destruction in order to receive government contracts. *

To the people of the world,

We, the New York City General Assembly occupying Wall Street in Liberty Square, urge you to assert your power.

Exercise your right to peaceably assemble; occupy public space; create a process to address the problems we face, and generate solutions accessible to everyone.

To all communities that take action and form groups in the spirit of direct democracy, we offer support, documentation, and all of the resources at our disposal.

Join us and make your voices heard!

*These grievances are not all-inclusive.



Comparison of the two sets of demands/grievances
published by Occupy Wall Street

An opinion piece by Kimberly Wilder 10/4/2011

-The first document I will refer to as the
“One Demand Document” or “First Document”

-The second document I will refer to as the
“Grievances Document” or “Second Document”

Up front, I would like to say, that I am offering my thoughts as support and analysis, not as critique. Even where my words seem critical or harsh, I would like to underscore the fact that the work Occupy Wall Street is doing is wonderful, effective, and maybe even miraculous. Since I am currently participating only in the virtual world, I am trying to offer the input of reflection and more tedious analysis, which is easier to do here, from the comfort of my home. Though, on the ground, at Liberty Square/Zucotti Park, is where the most difficult work is happening. And, I hope to visit there at some time, or at least offer material support.

The whole world seems to be asking the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators for their “one demand”. And, much of the world is asking for it in a bossy and condescending way. So, I was so happy when, on Day Five of the occupation, the General Assembly created a list that claimed, poetically, to be “one demand”, but was, in fact a list of at least 11 demands. Later, on September 29th, the NYC General Assembly, which speaks for Occupy Wall Street, agreed to another document which answers the question, “What is it they want?” or “What is their one demand?”. This document turned the question around again. Instead of demands, it was a list of grievances which hinted at solutions. Instead of one demand, or even eleven demands, there were over twenty demands (people are saying 22 demands), presented in the form of pointed grievances.

And, there is another point which should not be lost. The NYC General Assembly has gathered together hundreds of people to these deliberations. And, yet, they are able to created a long list of items agreed to in a consensus manner. It would appear doable for a group of angry, disenfranchised students, workers, residents, and citizens to come up with one issue or demand to agree on. Though, for all of them to find over twenty points of agreement, and all come together to endorse and publish the document, it is an accomplishment of monumental proportions. It’s a consensus miracle!

When I looked at the first “one demand” document and compared it to the second “grievances” document, I came up with three lost items. The items that were stated more clearly in the first document were: putting an end to war; putting an end to poverty; and stating the injustice of arrested colleagues. I hope that in future documents, those items will be re-inserted in unequivocal terms.

So, my harshest comment follows: Could there be a chance, that because the second document did not as specifically demand “ending police intimidation” and did not list the fact that members were arrested, that it affected outcomes on the Brooklyn Bridge? Could it be that groundwork was laid for the arrest of the 700 protesters on October 1st, because the document published on September 30th only referred to the police in terms of freedom of the press, and because it did not refer to colleagues arrested? I am not sure if there is any connection. Though, perhaps there is a connection in the world of background pressure on the system, or with the Karma. So, I think in the future, in the interest of strategy, luck, and/or karma, all lists of demands should specifically support those colleagues previously arrested.

The first document and the second document also have different approaches to the issue of ending wars. I do acknowledge that both documents have assertions that support peace, and would generally support an end to war. Though, the first document says it simply and forcefully. It says, “Ending war is our one demand”. The second document does not say so clearly that war must be ended. Instead, it points to some of the injustices and background reasons for the current wars. The second document could be read as only being opposed to weapons of mass destruction, and to corporate exploitation of war, not to war itself. Here is the wording:

“They [the corporations] have perpetuated colonialism at home and abroad. They have participated in the torture and murder of innocent civilians overseas. They continue to create weapons of mass destruction in order to receive government contracts.”

In the interest of comparison, I would also like to note a vocabulary choice. The first document refers to American “imperialism”, while the second document refers to “colonialism”. I wonder if the word choice presents any reflection on trends in the movement, a change in focus, or the people who wrote the two drafts.

Another difference between document one and document two is the use of the word “poverty”. Document one boldly asserts “Ending poverty is our one demand”. Document two does not contain the word poverty. A careful examination shows that document two focuses less on issues of the poor and the most unfortunate, and more on issues of the middle class. The first document demands an end to poverty and joblessness. The second document starts with illegal foreclosures (which happen to people who own homes to begin with), and lists problems such as education debt, cutting workers’ healthcare and pay, and unfair implementation of health insurance. These are important issues. These should be in there. Though, it is of note that between the two versions, they are listed instead of ending poverty.

My guess is that the second document is opening up the door to wider coalitions, with labor unions and the middle class. And, I understand the need to do that in order to create a bigger movement. And, it follows the idea that it is the 99% verses the 1%. Though, I hope that Occupy Wall Street remembers to feature demands for the most poor into their lists of grievances.

When I first heard about the release of another document, I automatically assumed that it was an update to the first document. And, I considered it, in some manner, as a replacement document. Though, I believe that the two documents are very different on a fundamental level. Document one ends with a list of questions to the readers. It is trying to activate regular Americans to think and act. It says,

“You have fought all the wars. You have worked for all the bosses…Have you harvested the fruits of your labor?…Does the future promise you anything?”

Document two is different. It is framed with assertions that the writers and readers must work as individuals to protect their rights. And, it ends with an invitation to join, and an offer of help. It says,

“We, the New York City General Assembly occupying Wall Street in Liberty Square, urge you to assert your power…To all communities that take action and form groups in the spirit of direct democracy, we offer support, documentation, and all of the resources at our disposal. Join us and make your voices heard!”

I wonder if the writers and approvers of the two documents have shifted from activating through anger as a prime message, to inviting to action as a prime message? I believe that there is a need for both angles, because different people are at different places in their activist awakening. I hope (and believe) that some of the people on the ground are still committed to the lofty demands of document one, and to using idealism and anger to motivate those in the public who are sleeping. And, I look forward to the overall Occupy Wall Street movement inviting new people in, and supporting them with knowledge and resources.

I also look forward to more declarations from the New York City General Assembly. And, I hope that each declaration is better than the one before, and, that they never boil it down to only one demand.

107 Responses

  1. absolutely well done!!!!

  2. I didn’t know how you were going to pull it off…but you linked ALL your messages. Well done!! Awesome-kudos.

  3. This is the most self righteous garbage I’ve ever read.

    • Aster: I disagree with your assessment. It is not righteous, it is just right. They made a great list of how the world could be improved. (Also, as my husband noted, it looks an awful lot like the Green Party platform, or the Green Party Ten Key Values. Interesting.)

      • they listed several “demands”, yet none of them are specific action items. typical, well meaning, do gooder activists awaiting the ash heap of reality. if you are occupying Wall Street, protesting America’s financial system:


        All the rest is well meaning clutter, reducing effectiveness of this protest.

    • Aster: you must not have read anything by Ayn Rand, or her disciples.


      • Yeah, our freedom to deny back services to our people and spend all our money on wars and be ruled by a censoring, draconian elite. I love that freedom.

        • that “NewHippyMovement” guy is a blowhard righty… he doesn’t understand that America doesn’t have any freedoms — not when we got corporations running the show… look how Yahoo is censoring — look at how The PATRIOT Act has rendered liberty as optional and negotiable… look at how he responds to legitimate concerns by dismissing them as out of hand… you will find no reason with such an individual and to converse with him is pure drivel… he may say we should move or go back to bed, while he should go crawl back under whatever rock he crawled out of… oh, and he should learn how to turn his cap-locks off while he’s at it… lol

          • I meant Aster for that equation… “NewHippyMovement” I’m not sure about, I think he mistyped. Sorry about that.

          • Open your eyes for once and quit spending so much time trying to look like a victim that you let these hippies think for you.

    • Guess you want to leave in a country with out a promising future..better move to North Korea Aster.

  4. Good job.
    I also put photo and videos of Occupy Wall Street here:

    I hope you could enjoy and spread it…

  5. Excellent and beautiful.

  6. No, seriously, this is crap. Vague, irrelevant, and for the moment unattainable. End the death penalty? Wall Street has nothing to do with that. That is a state issue. “Ending War” ?!?! Argh. Great goals, in general. NOT good demands for the purposes of #OWS.

    We still have some work to do.

    • Dear Damnitimpissed:

      I totally disagree with what you are saying.

      The government, the politicians, even the professional left, all want us to organize ourselves down to one demand. Then, there is only one thing that them and their paid spokespeople (the politicians) have to do to appease us.

      By creating a whole vision, and stating everything we would like changed, we are starting in a better place for any compromise.

      The list that the Occupy Wall Street made is a challenge to Obama and the Congress. They could start anywhere, they could start moving towards fixing it, towards meeting the demand. Then, they could see if what they did alleviates the outrage. If it does not, then they can go to the next area, and try to fix that just a little, too.

      In addition, it is a MIRACLE that anyone got that assembly to agree on so many items. It is a difficult thing to see where the consensus is, where it is that everyone meets on the plain of values and pragmatism. That was hard work. And, the product is powerful. It is a vision statement. It is a bonding experience. It is a platform to create a new affinity group, political party, social network, or culture in the bigger universe.

      Kimberly Wilder

      • I think the idea of one demand isn’t such a bad thing if we think about it outside of this arena for a moment. The right has a battle cry of guns, god, and gays (and now women). But what does the left have to rally around? The left doesn’t have a cohesive brand, so to speak. We’re a bunch of cats with our own ideas. We over think and can’t whittle down our message into one clear, concise, laser focused statement.

      • Please tell me who these demands are directed to ????

        I understand some of your demands, But most i do not agree with.

        I’m still like most in this america I see yall as the people that were protesting in the 60.

        I was brought up to work for my own means and I do not believe people that work to gain their weath owe me or anyone else.

        Your goverment is the one that have created these loop holes you claim the rich take advange of… that is due to the amount taxes, fees, licenses, etc they are forced to pay to have a business. A business that most american people work at.

        So your direction is very vague !! sure u made demands … but i need more info to better understand your issue.. I’m sure i’m not the only one.

        My demands r as follows.

        1. Why do you feel the rich owe you?

        2. Why do you feel you should get free schooling?

        I truely beleive you need to direct your issues to your politicians. that is what is wrong with our world!!

        we the people need to get involed and clean the house , the senate along with the white house!!!!

        i work in a business that the goverment has their thumb in, The crap i have to do, due to their regualations is ungodly !!! most of what they required is nothing more than a way to CONTROL my business !!!!! Also it is only a way to justity a job for the governent.

        If u want something fixed that is who the amercan people need to go after !!!!!!!!!! GET OUT AND VOTE 2012 this is the time to CLEAN out the OLD and in with NEW !!!!!!!

        Thanks for allowing me to voice my for and againt issues.

    • The big corporations and the ‘All Powerful’ 1% are ultimately at fault for the majority of the corruption in our government and the problems that we (and the world) are facing. So, yes Wall Street has everything to do with the death penalty. Goals ARE demands… these Goals will never happen so long as the 1% is in control.. All those things combined are very clear.. The 1% needs to relinquish the stranglehold they have on our society.. We the People for the interest of The People, ALL the people.

    • As long as we’re being unrealistic why not concentrate on outlawing private funding of elections. Elections for federal government should be publicly funded. See a petition for a Constitutional Amendment to that effect at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dylan-ratigan/get-money-out-join-100000_b_983427.html

  7. I agree with damnitimpissed. great goals for a larger movement and goals we should all be working towards, but not necessarily right for an occupation of wall street. war policy does not come from wall street.

    • If you think war doesn’t come from Wall Street, I’m sorry, but I have to vehemently disagree. Who builds all the tanks, bombs, planes, etc.? Not the US Government. War policy is fueled by a system of government contracts that feed the wealth of a very small group of people. That’s all financed, in the end, through Wall Street investors. Steel, oil, and everything else that fuels the war machine comes through money on Wall Street. The taxes we pay that the government uses to buy that stuff is a drop in the bucket, folks. People are making money every step of the way in that process, and it all feeds back to buying the right politicians to feed them MORE money. Partially financed by us taxpayers, to boot.

      Sorry, but I think hitting Wall Street is exactly the right approach to several of these issues. Without politicians, paid for by the generous contributions of the high end of Wall Street, supporting a particular stance on crime, criminal punishment, war, and foreign relations, we wouldn’t be paying for a government that cares more for the top 1% than the other 99%. War = money for someone. Drugs = money for someone… and on it goes. We, as a nation, need to put a stop to the profiteering and get back to taking care of each other, rather than this widening gap between have everything, and have nothing.

  8. This ‘Demand’ is concrete & something that is doable now & leads to the ‘exposure’ & solving of all other Wall Street problems. Please ‘Share’. An ‘Independent Special Prosecutor (RICO)’ for criminal Banksters & some Politicians. Teapot Dome Scandal of our time.

  9. War policy does not come from wall street? So I guess you truly believe that Afghanistan & Iraq are not wars for rights to oil.

  10. They ARE great goals for a large movement, correct! OWS IS a large movement and becoming larger everyday, spreading across the country. The occupation was just the beginning.

    • Their hearts maybe in a good causes, but their demands are ignorance and beyond dumb. Not to mention how they could have been used by other political/environmentally groups as bad as unions hacks who are now joining hand “to the cause”… blah blah blah…

      If anyone with a right mind will certainly see how mental illness those demands are. Sad, how sad!!!

      • To Patrick,

        Your claim that the vision of the Occupy Wall Street protesters is crazy, reminds me of the way that scientists or inventors are first called crazy…when their visions are so futuristic, other people can’t understand them. Found this science website: http://amasci.com/weird/vindac.html

        A quote…”Below is a list of scientists who were reviled for their crackpottery, only to be later proven correct….Crick & Watson (DNA) …Doppler (optical Doppler effect) …Mayer, Julius R. (The Law of Conservation of Energy) …Pasteur, Louis (germ theory of disease) …Wright, Wilbur & Orville (flying machines)…”

        If you think someone is crazy, it is sometimes good to slow down and study what they are saying. Especially, if they are sane enough to present their ideas in a very readable, researchable, manifesto.

        Peace and struggle,
        Kimberly Wilder

        • Hi. Just a note that I believe it was Rife’s brilliance while Louis Pasteur stole the thunder.

          I love reading the posts and am leased to see different views. Our world will once again be a world we can be proud of.

          God bless us all….and I thank you for all that you do.

          Peace and truth through love and light,

  11. Okay, you guys make some pretty good arguments that Wall Street is a good place to protest wars, death penalty, etc. It’s hard to think of a place where it would be more appropriate to protest those things. I apologize for my testy tone earlier.

    I still don’t think it’s a good idea to have such vague demands, though. I am afraid that no one can live on Wall Street forever, and not having a specific goal could lead to this withering away instead of staying strong and united until our demand is met. Goals of ending things like war, and poverty, and joblessness are excellent lifelong guiding values, but they are simply too EASY for the establishment to ignore.

    We need to make it harder for them to ignore us, not easier!

    • Dear Damnit: Thanks for the thoughtful dialogue. Good points all around.

    • In trying to explain this to my father he had the same question: What does this protest or movement hope to legitimately accomplish besides exposure? I agree with all the above and want to fight for it but what’s the first real step we’d like to see some entity take?

      Corporate sponsorship and loopholes is addressable and perhaps how hands-off/digital wall st has become. People don’t even need to work hard to automatically make craploads…

      • Hello, This Guy,

        I think that the list of demands given is a great way to accomplish things.. I think by demanding more, you are giving a vision for a better world. And, you are giving the politicians and corporations hints about a lot of things they could do to alleviate the suffering of the 99%.

        A lot of people are saying to make specific demands. But, to me, that usually means old-fashioned “organizing”, where, then you become just as top-down, patriarchal as this failed system. Organizing often means a few, charismatic leaders, who start getting too much power. Organizing also means having one — or just a few powerful leaders — who could be flattered or bought off.

        To me, it is a total cop-out for the media or politicians to say the demands are not clear. Let them do ONE THING to meet ANY ONE DEMAND, and then, let’s see what happens. Maybe people will be heartened and go home.

        I am a former Green Party member with many green friends. The Green Party candidates did something more like a “one demand” strategy during a recent campaign.

        In 2010, the Green Party Governor candidate called to reinstate the “Stock Transfer Tax”. He did the research, he got a statewide party and Ralph Nader to ask for that one demand. They even took photos at the bull! See story at http://www.web.gpnys.com/?p=7538 It is a great issue. Traders actually pay a small Stock Transfer Tax, due to an old law/tax designed to make Wall Street pay its fair share. But, currently, the State of NY then refunds the tax it collects back to Wall Street. Great issue. One demand. Said loudly, during a political campaign, and with photo ops at the bull on Wall Street. But, neither the politicians nor the corporations met the demand.

        So, let’s get the press to focus on our demands, not telling us how many to have.

        Let’s get the politicians to read the demands, proposals, and posters, and pick one issue they like, and just do it. Maybe if they do one, people will go home. Or, maybe we will ask them for a couple more. But, surely they can find one good idea in there.


        Oh! I have a slogan, borrowed from commercials: “One good demand? It’s in there!”

      • A good place to start would be election reform. Publicly funded elections and political ads need to be regulated through laws that are stronger than what passes for “truth in advertising”. (Currently political ads are protected as free speech.) No private money in elections! We The People are the “special interest.”

        • Yeah. Because we need more laws and regulations.

          • I don’t see an issue with more corporate regulations when they are in the best interest of the people.

        • The Supreme Court, in Jan 2010, voted that the government may not ban political spending by corporations in candidate elections. Basically treating corporate speech the same as that of human beings.

  12. […] Occupy Wall Street finally releases their one demand (www.onthewilderside.com) […]

  13. Long have we enjoyed our liberty
    paid with other’s blood
    war now comes to our very shores
    A shadow cross our land
    A time to sorely test our country’s
    heart, each child, woman, man
    The flame of Freedom flickers
    will we fan it high and bright
    Will we give in to evil
    or will we stand and fight
    Our forefathers knew well this test
    and bravely they did stand
    Now we must take up the torch
    and drive them from our land!!

  14. If you intend to offer and help implement solutions, I totally believe in your cause!

  15. […] Occupy Wall Street finally releases their one demand (www.onthewilderside.com) […]

  16. I read this to my 78 year old dad who, until last month when he finally got fed up with the b.s. going on, was a die hard Rep. He agreed. I agree. Everyone that I have sent it to agrees. Enough is enough.

  17. I’ll be believe in Corporate Personhood when Texas executes one — and then we can ALL cheer #235! ;)

  18. […] Occupy Wall Street finally releases their one demand swfobject.embedSWF("http://www.youtube.com/v/BSn-IgwQAGY&rel=0&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=0", "vvq-220241-youtube-1", "425", "344", "10", vvqexpressinstall, vvqflashvars, vvqparams, vvqattributes); swfobject.embedSWF("http://www.youtube.com/v/moD2JnGTToA&rel=0&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=0", "vvq-220241-youtube-2", "425", "344", "10", vvqexpressinstall, vvqflashvars, vvqparams, vvqattributes); swfobject.embedSWF("http://www.youtube.com/v/iNyMr6VmGJo&rel=0&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=0", "vvq-220241-youtube-3", "425", "344", "10", vvqexpressinstall, vvqflashvars, vvqparams, vvqattributes); swfobject.embedSWF("http://www.youtube.com/v/ln1QILrnFzQ&rel=0&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=0", "vvq-220241-youtube-4", "425", "344", "10", vvqexpressinstall, vvqflashvars, vvqparams, vvqattributes); swfobject.embedSWF("http://www.youtube.com/v/CzVAw9DvMVA&rel=0&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=0", "vvq-220241-youtube-5", "425", "344", "10", vvqexpressinstall, vvqflashvars, vvqparams, vvqattributes); Ari Setsudo Pliskin is Zen Yogi who works to actualize the interconnectedness of life online and on the streets. While once addicted to school, Ari has balanced his geekiness with spiritual practice and time spent on society’s margins. As a staff member of the Zen Peacemakers, Ari assists Zen Master Bernie Glassman in his teaching around the world, edits the Bearing Witness Blog, the most comprehensive collection of content related to Socially Engaged Buddhism on the web, and helps manage the Auschwitz Bearing Witness Retreat. Ari studies Zen at the Green River Zen Center in Greenfield, MA and is an Iyengar-style yoga teacher. He is working to create a Dharma House, an intentional community dedicated to meditation, yoga and community building across boundaries. Ari loves comic books as well. Connect with Ari on Facebook or Twitter: @AriPliskin. […]

  19. […] Recent Comments Jeremy Gilchrist: Oc… on Occupy Wall Street: Sunday mor…Jeremy Gilchrist: Oc… on Occupy Wall Street protest con…Occupy Wall Street P… on Occupy Wall Street protest con…Occupy Wall Street P… on Occupy Wall Street: Sunday mor…Konveyance on Occupy Wall Street finally rel… […]

  20. Power to those making their voices heard on Wall Street. It’s inspiring and heartening to those of us outside the US to read and watch the protests. We have the same problems here in Canada with unjust economy and budget restraint taking away vital services. It’s a world wide movement, we are all in it together!
    Thank you for all the work and fighting! We stand with you!

  21. Keep the conversation going, spread the word. We are the change. Keep the momentum, our numbers are all we have. Give what you can and follow the truth. Its about time we stood up for ourselves.


    AoA-Administration on Aging?

    Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds

    Then we have both a bureau of census AND a census bureau –
    separate individual agencies with the same name!!???

    If we could cut down un-necessary agencies that the federal government claims possession over only because they fund it with TAXPAYER money and we get NO SAY SO that these agencies exist, what they do and how much money they are paid to ‘assist and aid’ with out ANY PUBLIC reports on a regular basis. If we want our tax money back, we need to cut off government funding and downsize government participants on the federal level.

  23. […] taking their inspiration from the Egyptian "one demand" model, Occupy Wall Street have now released their list of "one" demands, bringing much-needed clarity to their objectives. The movement has moved to reach out to a broader […]

  24. […] inspiration from the Egyptian “one demand” model, Occupy Wall Street have now released their list of “one” demands, bringing much-needed clarity to their objectives. The movement has moved to reach out to a broader […]

  25. Good list of demands ,The media should allow them to BE! AS long as they distract the people from the real issues . DO NOT demand Palestinian Statehood ,Term Limits of the Corrupt Party Bosses ,World Trade Center Bombing Truth …. OR maybe A Fair Election ??

  26. […] inspiration from the Egyptian “one demand” model, Occupy Wall Street have now released their list of “one” demands, bringing much-needed clarity to their objectives. The movement has moved to reach out to a broader […]

  27. […] inspiration from the Egyptian “one demand” model, Occupy Wall Street have now released their list of “one” demands, bringing much-needed clarity to their objectives. The movement has moved to reach out to a broader […]

  28. It is sad that it has had to come to this… again. From the Magna Carta on there have been two separate but equal fights – the fight to get human rights and the fight to keep human rights. Those of us who grew up in the most free time and the most free country in the world have watched it slip… and the question of whether we did anything or did enough to stop it is irrelevant. The time we now face is much like the time our grandparents and great-grandparents faced. The never ending challenge has come to the front again. My greatest hope is that this time it can be settled with thoughts and words, not bombs and gangs and police brutality in defense of the indefensible degradation of the rights that have been paid for in blood so many times over.

  29. […] inspiration from the Egyptian “one demand” model, Occupy Wall Street have now released their list of “one” demands, bringing much-needed clarity to their objectives. The movement has moved to reach out to a broader […]

  30. […] 99 per centers did get around to issuing a list of their “one demands” in response to the media’s desire for “one clear demand”. It’s not one objective, […]

  31. […] when people ask where is the protest movement on the left under Obama. This is a movement with many demands. It cannot be contained within the framework of electoral politics. It may be relatively small and […]

  32. Bravo to the Americans who resist against new world order.
    Bravo…. beautiful poetry from Occupy Wall Street movement.
    Solidarity from Athens Syndagma square and all the squares of Greece.
    We are with you .
    We are all brothers and sisters.
    We are all equal.
    We are one world in revolution for global change…

  33. […] Mótmælendur sitja nú um Wall Street og hafa sent frá sér kröfugerð. […]

  34. […] 99 per centers did get around to issuing a list of their "one demands" in response to the media’s desire for "one clear demand". […]

  35. patriot act
    NYPD with FBI is now tracking organizers, participants and supporters …
    response ?

  36. Excellent goals, but unrealistic.

    The world is the way it is because of human greed, and until we manage to eradicate that, NOTHING is going to happen. This is like Communism – it’s not going to happen, people.

    We all want this stuff. But we are not going to get it because this is an over-simplification of all these complex issues.

    As depressing as that sounds.

    • To Jessica,

      I wonder if someone gave that message to the American colonists, as they were preparing for The Tea Party?

      I wonder if someone gave a similar message to Gandhi?

      I am not for realism. I am for optimism. And, it looks like a whole bunch of young people and old hippies are up for some optimism, too.

      Peace and struggle,

      P.S. I do not support communism. But, a little socialism has given America things like the public education system, which many people use and value.

  37. I Agree with the New List of Demand’s


    NYC General Assembly
    The Official Website of the GA at #OccupyWallStreet

    Declaration of the Occupation of New York City
    Posted on September 30, 2011 by NYCGA
    This document was accepted by the NYC General Assembly on september 29, 2011

    As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that we are your allies.

    As one people, united, we acknowledge the reality: that the future of the human race requires the cooperation of its members; that our system must protect our rights, and upon corruption of that system, it is up to the individuals to protect their own rights, and those of their neighbors; that a democratic government derives its just power from the people, but corporations do not seek consent to extract wealth from the people and the Earth; and that no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power. We come to you at a time when corporations, which place profit over people, self-interest over justice, and oppression over equality, run our governments. We have peaceably assembled here, as is our right, to let these facts be known.

    They have taken our houses through an illegal foreclosure process, despite not having the original mortgage.
    They have taken bailouts from taxpayers with impunity, and continue to give Executives exorbitant bonuses.
    They have perpetuated inequality and discrimination in the workplace based on age, the color of one’s skin, sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.
    They have poisoned the food supply through negligence, and undermined the farming system through monopolization.
    They have profited off of the torture, confinement, and cruel treatment of countless animals, and actively hide these practices.
    They have continuously sought to strip employees of the right to negotiate for better pay and safer working conditions.
    They have held students hostage with tens of thousands of dollars of debt on education, which is itself a human right.
    They have consistently outsourced labor and used that outsourcing as leverage to cut workers’ healthcare and pay.
    They have influenced the courts to achieve the same rights as people, with none of the culpability or responsibility.
    They have spent millions of dollars on legal teams that look for ways to get them out of contracts in regards to health insurance.
    They have sold our privacy as a commodity.
    They have used the military and police force to prevent freedom of the press. They have deliberately declined to recall faulty products endangering lives in pursuit of profit.
    They determine economic policy, despite the catastrophic failures their policies have produced and continue to produce.
    They have donated large sums of money to politicians, who are responsible for regulating them.
    They continue to block alternate forms of energy to keep us dependent on oil.
    They continue to block generic forms of medicine that could save people’s lives or provide relief in order to protect investments that have already turned a substantial profit.
    They have purposely covered up oil spills, accidents, faulty bookkeeping, and inactive ingredients in pursuit of profit.
    They purposefully keep people misinformed and fearful through their control of the media.
    They have accepted private contracts to murder prisoners even when presented with serious doubts about their guilt.
    They have perpetuated colonialism at home and abroad. They have participated in the torture and murder of innocent civilians overseas.
    They continue to create weapons of mass destruction in order to receive government contracts. *

    To the people of the world,

    We, the New York City General Assembly occupying Wall Street in Liberty Square, urge you to assert your power.

    Exercise your right to peaceably assemble; occupy public space; create a process to address the problems we face, and generate solutions accessible to everyone.

    To all communities that take action and form groups in the spirit of direct democracy, we offer support, documentation, and all of the resources at our disposal.

    Join us and make your voices heard!”

    As it is there are massive area’s within this that I have seen both in the here & now that we the people Gratefully have taken a stand to make change’s. And there are many layer’s of these having been historical struggle’s of the world. So may we go down in the history book’s as the generation / the era, that had at long last learned from history within bringing about the change’s that has been a historical struggle for the Human Race.

  38. Today I pray:
    that the police officers can look at the long haired protester with a cardboard sign and see a human being…
    that the protesters can look at the armed and combat ready police officer and see a human being…
    that the corporate and financial leaders walk out onto the streets from their high rise buildings and see human beings.

  39. Someone confused about what Anonymous protests asked me why it is so difficult to pinpoint what they are protesting. This is my idea of why:

    In a hivemind culture, anyone can present an idea. The ideas are then debated upon by everyone, and the ideas that make enough of an impact on the people are naturally accepted not by popular vote, but because they are universally viewed as good ideas. Thus the reasons for their protest are constantly being redacted from and added to the group. Nothing is constant save for the idea of free expression. When free expression is in danger, Anonymous has shown that it can gather enough support to bring that danger to the public’s attention. With the problem on the chopping block of public scrutiny, it tends to end within a truly free society. Good ideas cannot be stopped. Anonymous protests the suppression of free expression.

    • To HHStudios – Interesting thoughts. Though, I find it off-the-mark to judge it as a protest by Anonymous. I do know that Anonymous was part of the start of this protest. Though, I feel that there is a lot of energy by other people and groups. And, the group seems to choose to be perceived as “Occupy Wall Street”, and the work seems to be largely done by “The New York City General Assembly”. So, Anonymous is part of it, heck, they may have even started it. But, it is much bigger than them and their wishes. I also think that the Guy Fawkes masks are silly, and a little scary. I get that they created an identity and culture. Though, I think someone should make up their own image, not use the Hollywood image, with confusing undertones. All that said, YES, free expression empowers things and opens up options. Peace, Kimberly

  40. I agree with Occupy Wallstreet 110%. We are the greatest country in the world and we are starving, why is this? Stop sending billions of dollars to countries that hate us and do nothing for us. At least nothing the 99% can see, hear or receive. Politians must work for us, the 99% and not their friends the 1%. I pray for us the 99%.

  41. I’m SO glad to see this dialog finally beginning, where people examine and reassess the business practices we’ve taken for granted for too long. This refers to things like the wealthiest paying the lowest tax rates, the bankers controlling the financial system, money controlling congress, and the CEOs making 343 times as much income as the average worker. I can assure you, they don’t do the work of 343 men!

  42. Hey I was down there last week to check out the scene. Feel free to check it out. http://www.johnzphoto.com/Events/Occupy-Wall-Street-Protest

  43. I am inspired by the occupy movement. I will actively participate in every capacity I can. After reading all the statements on this site I am steadfast in my resolve. People have stated that the demands cannot be met, they have stated that asking for so many changes is foolish, and that the movement is wasting its time. All these things shouldnt have to be asked for at all. Lets be clear on some things here, the things being asked for are for the good of the american people. The american peoples best interests have not been looked after for far too long. Now the american government will have to fix these problems at all cost. This country has seen revolutions before and I assure you that when Our great country unites and decides that these things are unacceptable, they will in fact change. Ignorance is bliss as they say, we arent ignorant anymore.

  44. How does one knows that in the end ‘the Occupy revolution’ isn’t backed up by Goldman Sachs as well ?
    There is always money involved to grow or to let big things happen on the stage of the world.

    In other words I feel that the systematic collapse of Europe & The U.S. is well intended by the ruling class. In a very high level chess game with stepping stone politics we are pushed into a revolution just as for years they let us believe in the illusion of democracy & the American dream.

    Ok, Capitalism as a tool will be dead like the Catholic church within 50 years, I give you that one. But have you considered the tought that once the 99% actually unite they will be eager to give up even more privacy for a new ‘united government’ wich will be supervised by the same elite as they are now.

    All I say is keep one eye open and find your own truth. peace & love

  45. No No No! You don’t build Rome in a day! Nor can you pierce a thick layer of armor with a broad point. You punch through in as forceful and focused of a strike on a concentrated point of weakness that will inevitably start a domino effect that will bring the rest down.

    END MONEY IN POLITICS. All candidates must have equal budgets and publicly funded space and airtime to debate and campaign. Does that make getting their message out harder? Yes. Does it prevent ones with money from becoming frontrunners on the sole fact that they are funded by corporations? YES. Does it prevent representatives from voting for their lobbyists instead of their people? YES!

    If you break through their armor here…their control over our reps will crumble and all the unreasonable and “foolish” actions will stop in short order.

    • I like your idea. Simply lobbying for one, core, reform such as “end money in politics” can be useful. But, you know what: It has been tried. And it has not brought the changes desired. A lot of groups and third parties have featured this issue for years.

      One thing that happens, if you pick one issue, is, the Congress creates a bill with that title. Then, the advocates and the people in the grassroots feel encouraged. Then, the politicians put in loopholes, or even pieces that do the opposite of what is wanted. Then, the bill passes, and nothing is accomplished.

      For instance, a lot of the recent “publicly funded campaign” bills and proposal that have come up, have included noxious, back-door effects, that were designed to harm third parties or independent candidates. Almost all of these proposals always make it easier for major party candidates to get money then other candidates. But, worse, some of the proposals have had insertions – sometimes unnoticed by the public that supports them — that start creating definitions of candidacy, or criteria for candidacy, that would have the overall effect of making it even harder than it is now for third parties or independent to run.

      So, nothing is simple. Nothing is easy. One-issue advocacy is done constantly. It does not work. It creates a class of politicos, and even activists, who are blind to all but their pet issue.

      I like what Occupy Wall Street is doing so far. I like that they have not let themselves be put in the precarious position of having simply one leader or simply one issue.

      I say: Let the politicians and corporations “give” things to the working class and middle class, one item at at time. Maybe today, have Obama end the war. Maybe, tomorrow, some bank CEO’s give back their bonuses. Let them give and give and give. The 1% knows the tricks they have set up. They know what they have stolen. Let them figure out where to give things up and set things right. And, when the occupiers and the American public think the 1% have done enough, then order will be restored, and the occupations can end. (Or, the occupations can become a new way of organizing with direct democracy!!!)


  47. […] duidelijk. Een weekje geleden hebben de Occupy-ers zelfs een waslijstje van demands rond gestuurd (9) waarin voornamelijk financiële ongelijkheid aan de kaak wordt gesteld. Een ieder mag zich dus […]

  48. […] De beweging heeft inmiddels bereikt dat er wereldwijd wordt gesproken over de onderwerpen die zij aankaarten. Ook op het internet is de beweging goed vertegenwoordigd. tags: Beursplein / Occupy Amsterdam / […]

  49. […] https://occupywallst.org Twitter volgen van Occupy Wall Street HIER. Meer info over doelen Occupy HIER. Dit bericht is geplaatst in Nieuws, Verhalen. Bookmark de permalink. ← Stoere Jongenzzz […]

  50. […] Here’s a link to Occupy Wallstreet’s Declaration Like this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in Financial crisis, Occupy […]

  51. Get the Money Out of Politics. Everything else will follow.

    Congressional campaign contributions should be limited to private individuals living within the district, maximum of $2,000. No money from outside the district whatsoever. Abolish corporate and special interest contributions of all kinds, period. That’s low enough for anyone who is really committed to get another part-time job to save enough to support his or her candidate to the max, so it is not a rich man’s game. Most campaigning will have to revert to door-to-door, community meetings and appearances, and rallies. All media will be required to give the lowest rate to candidates.

  52. […] protesters have a list compiled of the goals they want to achieve.So they are demanding the end of capital punishment, […]

  53. The Occupy movement is accomplishing great things already. Just the fact that the DIALOG is ABOUT CORPORATE GREED, INCOME INEQUALITY, and a RIGGED FOR THE WEALTHY political system means we are agents for change. The Occupy movement is #1 on national TV, on local TV and in all forms of media. This is a fantastic feat in educating the public. THANK YOU!

  54. […] is no shortage of demands voiced by individuals within the Occupy Wall Street movement. They range from “ending wealth inequality” to “ending health […]

  55. I want to see a demand for a Pay Ceiling. Enact a law that states that no one at a company may be paid higher than 20 times the average salary of a companies work force. The CEO of B of A will be paid 10 million this year (includes stock). How is this OK.

    OWS is great.

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  57. How much freakin WEED does one need to smoke to get to demands like this?

    Occupy it’s just occupying them selves…

    Demanding shit will never work without some power. To demand shit, you will have to present consequences, for if the demands are not being heard. This means WAR, in one easy or the other, which you are against.

    Again: How much pot??!

    Occupy it’s just occupying them selves!

  58. I thought you do not believe censorship? So why is my post not being published?

  59. […] Occupy Wall Street finally releases their one demand … Posted in Occupy Wall Street | Tags: graceful-maneuver, nasty, occupy wall street, street, struggle, the-nasty, the-press, the-struggle /* […]

  60. […] to steer folks away from the anti-war message. Yet, Occupy Wall Street’s energy and mission includes de-militarizing our democracy. So, those issues should stay front and center, […]

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