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How the Democratic Congress betrayed American voters, the troops in Iraq and extended the occupation


How the Democratic Congress betrayed American voters, the troops in Iraq and extended the occupation for at least another 18 months.

By Cindy Sheehan
Gold Star Families for Peace 

03/24/07 “ICH” — — THE DEMOCRATS ARE FUNDING IRAQ ESCALATION: The Democratic leadership has proposed $100 billion of supplemental funding for an increased troop presence in Iraq. The leadership opted for the “slow bleed” policy over a month ago. This extends the occupation for at least another 18 months, and allows permanent placement of troops thereafter for “training” or “combating terrorism”. It also will permit the Bush Administration to initiate a war with Iran without Congressional oversight. The surge of 20,000 troops recently increased to 30,000 and will likely increase to 100,000 by year-end. Will the hapless Democrats then claim, “If  only I knew then what I know now” as they have for the past year? 

 The “slow bleed” policy has some toothless requirements for presidential assertions of progress like those we’ve heard for the past four years from the Administration; these reporting requirements allow “slow bleed” proponents to make the preposterous claim they are “ending the war” by funding it. Amendments that would require withdrawal of US forces this year, the policy overwhelming favored by Americans, and the troops themselves, are not even being allowed for a vote by the leadership! The shameless short-term purpose of the Democratic policy is to embarrass Republicans with a Senate filibuster of the supplemental, or a presidential veto, and the longer-term aim is to help Democrats in the 2008 election by saddling the Republicans with intervention in an untenable civil war. 

 Read the rest of the article

See also: Cindy Sheehan on impeachment and the Democrats
                Anti-war movement: Greens and other Non-Dems need not apply
                Cindy Sheehan reiterates endorsements for 11/7/06 Election

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  1. […] How the Democratic Congress betrayed American voters, the troops in Iraq and extended the occup… […]

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