DC Statehood Green Party to speak at forum on DC’s childhood asthma epidemic and air pollution on November 29 at Howard University
The DC Statehood Green Party is co-sponsoring a public forum titled “The Childhood Asthma Epidemic: Confronting Global Warming and Air Pollution in DC” on Thursday, November 29.
The program takes place from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at Howard University, in Room 105 of Locke Hall. The other co-sponsors are Engineers without Borders, Howard University Chapter<http://www.ewb-dc.org>, and DC Metro Science for the People <http://www.dcmetrosftp.org>.
Among the speakers are two Statehood Green Party leaders, Dr. Jane Zara, a member of the party’s steering committee, and Dr. David Schwartzman, Howard University professor and Legislative Agenda and Tax & Budget Coordinator for the Statehood Green Party.
Dr. Schwartzman, speaking on behalf of the party, testified against a proposed Metro fare increases at a November 14 hearing of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority<http://www.gp.org/press/states/dc/dc_2007_11_16.shtml>.
In his testimony, Dr. Schwartzman urged DC government not to place a new financial burden on working residents, and cited the need to reduce car traffic and the damage to public health, especially asthma in children, resulting from air pollution. He argued that the District should replace the fare increase with a fare reduction and a congestion charge for motorists driving in DC’s core business center, citing London as a successful model.
The DC Statehood Green Party and the Green Party of the United States <http://www.gp.org> have urged dramatic measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including conservation, reduced car traffic, and expanded public transportation. Greens have called air pollution an immediate public health emergency for US cities in light of epidemic asthma rates among children in urban areas.
The event is open to the public and press.
- Introduction, Dr. Jane Zara, DC Metro Science for the People (7:00 pm)
- Video on Pollution and Global Warming (7:15)
- No War No Warming, Ted Glick (7:25)
- Health Effects of Air Pollution-Asthma in DC (7:40)
- A DC Congestion Charge, Dr. David Schwartzman (8:00)
- Safe Bicycling Alternatives, Eve DeCoursey, DC Bicyclists Association (8:15)
- Questions and Discussion (8:30)
Filed under: children, Global Warming, grassroots democracy, Green Party Websites, health, Healthcare Tagged: | childhood asthma
My first time here. Got a question about my new kitten. Well, actually Ms. Boots had five kittens.
My wife gave all except one of them away. She says she gets to name it, I say I do because I take care of all the others. haha
It is male, not sure that matters, but any suggestions on good internet sites to find cat names?
thank you