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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

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A Hopeful NY Primary Result: Monserrate and Espada out of the race

Kimberly writes: The quote I found for the voting results is from the NY Daily News: Bronx voters send state Sen. Pedro Espada packing; Hiram Monserrate loses Assembly bid… The quote I found for background comes from NY1:

Monserrate loses State Senate seat (in a landslide against him)

(excerpt from) The Daily News/AP Ousted state Sen. Hiram Monserrate loses bid to regain seat as Assemblyman Jose Peralta triumphs Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 10:35 PM A New York state senator who was expelled after a domestic violence conviction has lost his long-shot bid to get his seat back in a special election. Assemblyman Jose […]

Today is the Special Election in the Monserrate “case”

KW: If you live in, or who have friends who live in, the 13th NY Senatorial District (in Queens, NYC, NY), please tell them to get out and vote. Today is the day that they hold the election in the district of  (former?) NY State Senator Hiram Monserrate, the one who was convicted of assaulting […]

Special Election March 16: Monserrate down in polls

This Tuesday, March 16th is the day voters in a district in Queens get to decide if they want to keep State Senator Hiram Monserrate in his seat, after he was convicted of violence, which was connected to domestic abuse. A story at The Capitol Confidential blog has a link to the latest Siena poll: […]

Fight Monserrate/Siegel: Make NY legislature safe for women

KW writes: Oh…my…goodness… Former State Senator Hiram Monserrate — found guilty in the incident with his girlfriend which involved allegations of domestic abuse — just will not go away. The women of New York finally got a reprieve from a man who commits violence against women roaming the halls of our government. But, Monserrate is […]

NY State Senate votes to expel Monserrate (after assault conviction)

There are two places to find excellent coverage of the NY State Senate situation. One is at Elizabeth Benjamin’s political blog at the Daily News. (Great blogging, though you have to register to be able to comment.) Benjamin points out, that this was “the first time a sitting lawmaker was ousted from his seat in […]

NY State Senators prepare to expel Monserrate…

(excerpt from) City Hall News Senators Prepare to Expel Monserrate Regardless of Committee’s Findings A Senate panel mulling the fate of Hiram Monserrate, who was convicted in November of misdemeanor assault [in a domestic violence scenario with his girlfriend], has completed four marathon sessions, pored over thousands of pages of documents and reviewed hundreds of […]

Make a statement against domestic violence: Help oust State Senator Monserrate

KW: All this time the Monserrate situation has made me so angry. It seemed quiet apparent that he was involved in some kind of domestic violence, and yet he remained a public official, and the Democratic leaders actually caved into him when Monserrate made his power play during the NY State Senate Coup. Now, the […]

Fri. June 26: NY State Senate coup update

KW: Seems to be that the Democratic officials are whimping out, and willing to let Espada-the-traitor save face. As a voter from NY (who dislikes the Dems and Reps, but the Reps more), I am not pleased: Check out the full story at: The Capitol Confidential blog/Time Union Leaders nearing deal, fractured Dems sticking point […]

NY State Senate: Party switching and accountability

Party Switching and Accountability The Democrats seem to be so stubborn on the coup. Yes, they are avoiding convening as a full body and that seems assertive. But, here and there Democratic leaders keep giving up arguing points and retreating from battles where they could and should push forward. Some of it is perverse strategy, […]

78% of people in the know don’t like the NY State Senate

A NY State Senate update on Monday morning, June 22nd… The Siena poll is: here. Over at the Daily Politics blog, Elizabeth Benjamin posted a fascinating new Siena poll. It shows the favorable/unfavorable rating of characters and entities involved in NY State government. You can see how people feel about Hiram Monserrate, Pedro Espada, Dean […]

NY State Senate Coup: Leaving women’s rights behind

Some of the reasons for the NY State Senate coup that I have heard floated are: Republicans getting fierce about redistricting coming up;  the vote on same-sex marriage coming up; personality conflicts among Democratic State Senators with their leadership; and some NYC business related to budgets and tenants issues. Though, knowing how few women are […]

NY State Senate update: Afternoon, Mon. June 15

As per news reported at the Time Union/Capitol Confidential and the Daily News/Elizabeth Benjamin’s blog: Instead of meeting the judges 1pm deadline to hammer everything out, all the parties did agree to a recess until 10am tomorrow, and that seemed to satisfy the judge for now. The Governor had tried to call a meeting of […]

Monserrate coming back to the Democrats

KW: I see this reported at Newsday, but not at the two more political-news sources I use. [Update! on where the news came from… Juan Gonzalez at the Daily News had the exclusive.] (excerpt from) Newsday Report: Monserrate returning to Dems June 15, 2009 / 5:57am …Monserrate, from Queens, told the New York Daily News […]